Embracing Body Positivity & Neutrality Through Gymnastics & Tracking Progress

Returning to gymnastics as an adult can be a journey of self-discovery, validation, and empowerment. Let's delve into how you can celebrate your capabilities and track your progress progress while loving what your body allows you to do.

1. How can I track progress as an adult returning to gymnastics?

Start by setting realistic goals. Track your training sessions, noting improvements in technique, strength, endurance, and flexibility. Consider maintaining a training journal or using apps to monitor progress. In the TLAG app, we provide the options below to track your progress if you’re not a fan of weighing yourself or taking progress photos.

2. What mindset should I adopt regarding body positivity in gymnastics?

Embrace a positive or neutral mindset. Focus on what your body can achieve rather than how it looks. No ability is too small to celebrate. Celebrate the strength, flexibility, and resilience you gain through gymnastics. For example, your feet for allowing you to lift to releve (those of us who have sprained ankles in the past know about taking for granted all the things our ankles allow us to do).

3. Are there specific milestones or achievements I should celebrate as an adult gymnast?

Absolutely! Celebrate your milestones—whether it’s nailing a routine, improving flexibility, or conquering a challenging skill. Every achievement, big or small, is a win! You can have your realistic goal list and you can also have your lofty goal list. Even getting back skills you had when you were younger is a big milestone!

4. How can I cultivate body positivity while facing challenges in my gymnastics journey?

Shift your focus from appearance to performance. Recognize your body's amazing capabilities and the progress you're making in terms of strength, balance, and skill improvement. Success is measured in millimeters especially in gymnastics. Be patient and practice gratitude. At the end of each practice list one positive thing you were able to accomplish or do. (Maybe it was pushing to the end of hard conditioning, or getting back up after falling, etc.) Get creative!

5. What role does self-care play in embracing body positivity as an adult gymnast?

Self-care is vital. Prioritize rest, recovery, and proper nutrition to support your body’s needs as you engage in gymnastics. Nourishing your body is an act of self-love. Stretching, epsom salt baths, pumice stoning, massages, hydration, hygiene, and more will indirectly improve your performance.

6. How should I handle setbacks or plateaus in my gymnastics progress?

Setbacks are part of the journey and part of your story. There’s not one athlete who hasn’t had one kind of setback. Some are bigger than others, however, that doesn’t diminish your struggle. Embrace each obstacle as opportunities for learning, growth, and resilience. Adjust goals, seek advice, ask for conditioning for different unaffected muscle groups and remain patient with yourself during plateaus.

7. Are there specific affirmations or mental strategies to boost body positivity in gymnastics?

Affirmations can be powerful. Remind yourself of your strength, resilience, and progress. Visualize success and focus on the feeling moving gives you rather than external validation and approval. Affirmations are not a one size fits all, so research and ask around for what works for others. Try them on like you try on clothes in a dressing room and see what you like and what gets you the results you want. Speaking in in the present also proves to be more powerful than affirmations based in the future tense.

8. Should I compare myself to others in terms of progress and body image in gymnastics?

No. Avoid comparisons which is easier said than done. Everyone’s journey is unique. Focus on your personal progress and growth rather than comparing yourself to others. Put your blinders on and remember, even the lifestyle you are living today is different than the lifestyle you lived as a young athlete. You have more responsibilities, more stress, less time, less guidance, slower rotation speed, potentially previous injuries to be aware of, and more on your mind. There’s no way to even compare yourself to a previous version of you unless everything remains the same. Remind yourself that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be. The reason? You might not know now, but time will tell.

9. How can I use gymnastics to promote body positivity and self-confidence outside of the gym?

Embrace the confidence gained from gymnastics in everyday life. Channel your inner strength and self-assuredness, knowing what your body is capable of achieving. Show others how if you can do it, they can start as well! Inspire by being the example and be part of the adult gymnastics movement.

10. How can I find a supportive community to foster body positivity in gymnastics?

Connect with like-minded individuals like those who are a part of the Train Like A Gymnast family—those in the app, online forums, social media groups (Just Like Fine Wine), or classmates at local gymnastics clubs. Surround yourself with a supportive community that champions body positivity and inclusivity.

Embracing body positivity and neutrality through gymnastics training is a transformative journey. Celebrate your progress, cherish your body's strength, and nurture a positive relationship with yourself. You are doing SO much more than most already. Remember, your journey is about empowerment, growth, and celebrating the incredible capabilities of your body, not just the aesthetics. Share how you #trainlikeagymnast on social media and let us see!

Danielle Gray