Vitamins - what pops into your mind first when you think of vitamin K or iron? Supplements? A multivitamin? Fruits and vegetables? Whatever your initial thoughts are, this blog is designed to explain how to best approach the concept of supplementation (representative of clinical application of nutrition science and nutrition therapy) and how our nutrient status can affect our health. Additionally, the hope of this post is to get you thinking about the world of supplements and become a more educated consumer on the topic and make informed decisions on what you elect to supplement or put in your body.
Read MoreAnother year, another SUPERBOWL! Which commonly is associated with some very savory snacks - so what can we do to continue new promises to lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle this year (and beyond!)? Spending time with family and friends is special and can fill your cup outside of healthy eating and exercise, but long term success is the integration of these factors into one.
Read MoreSometimes we need a break - with life flying by and our days packed to brim - it can be difficult to take a step back and look at your health and how your daily activities might be influencing your choices, both short and long term. Taking note of what you currently do and establishing where you “want to be” in terms of your individualized nutrition practice is important from time to time to ensure that you are recognizing change and striving to be the best you can be!
Read MoreFueling your body for an event, workout or for some extra energy in the afternoon can all be influenced by nutrition. By focusing on pre and post-workout fueling practices, you can help your body prepare and repair as you progress in your training and have the energy you need to tackle the hustle and bustle of our busy lives! Find your snack-inspo here and develop your own personal fueling routine to keep you energized and excited about your personalized nutrition practice!
Read MoreSuccess. What does it take to “get there”? What does “success” mean to you?
Defining what our goals are is very aligned with the thoughts and discussions relative to the “new year” - I see you 2020 Nutrition Goals! But taking a step back and looking at what potential barriers might present and cause any change in your plans, potential roadblocks or even areas where you have struggled in the past is vital to establish a plan of action to overcome any barriers that might pop up in your journey. Find your direction and journey this week with setting up a plan to break down barriers this New Year!
Meant to help you release soreness, stiffness, and tension so you can elongate your muscles as they grow stronger after a workout. I do this @trainlikeagymnast stretch routine almost nightly and I’ve gotten a lot of requests for it.
Read MoreWhat helps make you accountable? Is it your family? Environment? The support of friends and family? Being in a group of fantastic girls who all want to see each other succeed?
If you have struggled in the past with accountability, or “staying on track,” this is for you. We make decisions all day, every day - but it’s what we choose that puts us ahead or can set us back in terms of reaching our goals. So why is this analogy so simple, but actually making good choices so difficult? Find out more on how to create SMART goals that you can follow long term.
Read MoreWhat has this year meant to you? What have you done differently that has changed your path, or maybe helped you to focus on the same road to your goals?
It’s important to not only look ahead at what you hope to strive for and achieve but also what you have accomplished. Nothing is too small to celebrate and no one task is too big to dream of. You all have put in WORK to get here, so celebrate a little!
Read MoreHoliday leftovers. What an ordeal! Oftentimes we leave with more food that we can handle - and how can you integrate this into a healthy, holiday meal prep routine? We will review some of the basics in this blog that stand true even with savory holiday dishes - with a little modification.
Read MoreWhat does “balance” mean to you? How does this relate to your nutrition and food choices? This blog will review some of the ways to find balance in this crazy world of nutrition fads and diets and find out what works best for YOU long term!
Read MoreEmotions and food oftentimes go hand-in-hand. Feeling bored, sad, tired, happy, stressed? Emotions are a part of life and worth having to experience the ups and downs We all have emotions, but how do our emotions impact what eat and how we feel about food? Taking a step back and focusing on not only how food fuels the body, but how our mind and emotions play a role in what we eat is important in creating a healthy balance - long term.
Read MoreAn important consideration to this food-focused Holiday is how to balance your preferences, traditions and focus on enjoying the traditional meals you enjoy while still feeling in control and eating foods you enjoy but also nourish your body. It’s not about depriving yourself of the dishes you crave all year long, instead of creating healthy substitutions to make sure that you can not only enjoy them but also feel good about sitting down and enjoying Thanksgiving with those you love.
Read MoreThe world of nutrition can be a VERY confusing place. With constant information and claims presented on a daily basis reviewing the next big thing in diet culture or the never-ending lists of “eat this, not that”, how can you decipher this information and get the information you need?
Read MoreWhat is body positivity and why is thankfulness an important player in establishing this relationship?
This blog will introduce the topic of body positivity and how you can include this in your nutrition focus - yes, I said NUTRITION focus, as well as everyday life!
Read MoreThis week we will revisit some old favorites - micronutrients and macronutrients! With the highlight this week related to incorporating variety in the form of seasonal vegetables (a second reminder to not forget your veggies!) it is important to reflect on the WHY. Specifically, WHY we encourage focusing on creating a well rounded and balanced diet full of variety, flavor and when possible - a few extra servings of veggies! Let’s get started!
Read MoreWith the Holiday season coming up fast - how can we integrate healthy habits and balance while still enjoying the things we love and enjoy the yummy treats that are just around the corner? The key is - BALANCE!
Thinking about how the Holidays might influence your emotions and how your current nutrition practice might adapt and include (with flexibility) the Holidays to come is an important area to focus on BEFORE the Holidays come around. This way, you can feel more confident and have a plan on how to integrate special occasions into your practice and not feel guilty or frustrated after indulging - but satisfied knowing that celebrations are a part of life and so is your favorite recipe!
Read MoreIf you’re listening to this on the day it’s released, Happy Halloween! On Today’s episode, I speak with my friend and fellow acrobat, Leslie Muñoz. We had this conversation to help you learn more about yourself. Leslie talks about her experiences transitioning into retirement more than once, some mental blocks she had with tumbling when she was a teenager which she can now laugh about, and the best advice she’s ever been given. Her incredible character and integrity shows in this short interview and we want you to finish this episode thinking about what you need to reintroduce or make sacred in your life to keep yourself performing at your highest potential.
Read MoreDieting and diet culture is all around us. In marketing, products - health gimmicks and all! But how does this constant exposure influence our relationship with food? How does it shape our understanding, perception and focus on nutrition? Rethinking the way we picture our relationship with food and focusing on how it fuels our bodies to perform instead of a negative or quick-fix “diet” is an important factor to consider when creating a sustainable nutrition practice.
Read MoreWe think about what our bodies need to do every day - what we need to do, say, think - but what we eat is sometimes lower on this list, or maybe absent altogether. What makes focusing on what you eat important is the impact it has on all of the other things your body has to do: grow, develop, think, learn, live and thrive! In this blog, we will review tracking with this purpose, and what you can do to focus on not only calories but your nutrition and food choices in a positive way.
Read MoreToday we’re going to discuss a topic that came up a lot from athletes on recent phone calls: asking for help. If you are a formerly-competitive athlete, you know this is not one of our fortes… "I got it, coach." "I can do it myself." "It's okay, I can figure it out." "Don't worry, I've got it." "No, I'm good, thanks." Maybe when you were actually competitive, you were like me as a kid and didn’t need help because you let your talent carry you until you cracked. Sometimes we’re even taught that if we ask for help, it’s a sign of weakness.
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