How To Get Over The Fear of Trying Something New
Why You Should Stop Letting The Fear of Failure Run Your Life
If you have ever scrolled through Danielle’s Instagram, you have seen our #TryItTuesdays… When I first saw these challenges I used to think to myself “I can’t do that”. And I’d be right, I can’t, but not because I am not capable, but because I believed I couldn’t.
The thing is, I don’t actually think I can’t do them, but rather I am afraid of failing. And this very fear of failure is what keeps me from trying in the first place. Let me let you in on a little secret… If we never try, we can never succeed. But of course, we all know that already so let me go one step further… There is no such thing as trying and failing, rather by just putting ourselves out there and committing ourselves to trying, we are succeeding in the most important skill of all - learning.
Take the first #TryItTuesday of April for example:
We can look at this challenge and say to ourselves, “I can’t even lift my leg that high” or “I can’t balance on one leg for that long” or “If it was hard for Danielle, I definitely can’t do that.” Sure, some small part of these statements may be partially true. But if you never try, how in the world do you expect to ever succeed?!
Since we all love flipping so much, let’s try something together, shall we? Let’s flip the script! “I can and I will lift my leg to the highest I am capable of in this very moment” and “I can and I will balance for as long as my body alignment allows today” and “I think it’s awesome Danielle worked so hard on this #TryItTuesday challenge! I am going to give it a try myself and grant myself grace for whatever that attempt looks like.” See how that can change your outlook completely?
Okay, maybe you’re not convinced yet? Let’s try some more...
Take the second #TryItTuesday of April this time:
Perhaps this time you’re thinking, “I don’t even have a split!?” or “I don’t have sliders so I can’t try that” or “I’m too old to be trying things like that.” Let’s flip the script again! “I can do the split to the best of my ability right now” and “I am sure there is something around the house I can use in place of sliders” and “How cool is it that my body still is capable of so many incredible things?!” Now that sounds more like it.
When we allow surface-level barriers of entry to intimidate us and drive us away, we inhibit our ability to grow and learn. Sure, maybe you don’t have your splits like you used to, or maybe you never did, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to have them in the future. In fact, we have Stretch Like a Gymnast for that just. Sure, maybe you don’t have sliders in your house currently, but you can use paper plates or a magazine… while you wait for your Train Like a Gymnast sliders to arrive in the mail of course! Sure, maybe your body doesn’t feel as capable of the things you used to find easy, but with dedication, practice and belief in yourself you can always learn something new.
The point is… nothing is impossible my friends. And even beyond that - the things you learn along the way could sometimes wind up being even more valuable than the end-game in the first place!
Okay, I still haven’t convinced you? How about this for convincing…
Each time you give a Try it Tuesday a go this month, you will be entered into our giveaway and win a piece of Train Like a Gymnast clothing of your choice!
Every time you attempt (successes or your best try) a Try It Tuesday and tag @daniellegrayfit and @trainlikeagymnast in the post or story, you will be entered to win.
If you attempt all 4 Try It Tuesdays this month, you will earn a 5th bonus entry!
You must be 18 or older and your profile must be public or else we can't see it!