The Infamous Love Triangle

I want to preface by saying that I am not a professional, by any means. With that being said, I am a fellow human who will speak from her heart - the part of the love triangle that I tap into most often nowadays. This is very vulnerable and hard for me to share in a lot of ways, but it simultaneously feels ‘right.’ I’m not sure why I feel compelled at this specific moment to share, but nonetheless I am listening to my heart.

I have shared before, both here and in my book The Silver Lining, about my struggles with body image anxiety. However, I do feel I often unintentionally refer to these struggles as if they are in my past. And today, I want to be a little more transparent about their present role in my everyday life. 

The push and pull of this infamous love triangle is strong, stronger some days than others. My mind, my body and my heart are all constantly fighting for the spotlight in my life.

In choosing clothing, my mind is shouting to choose the smaller size to fit more of society’s standards, my body is begging to choose the bigger size to be more comfortable and my heart is steadfastly reminding me to choose a style that makes me feel most authentically myself that day. I have talked a lot about how I choose clothes that “encompass the message I am trying to convey that day.” That is me actively listening to my heart.

In choosing food, my mind is shouting to choose the ‘healthiest’ choice, my body is begging for the ‘indulgent’ choice and my heart is steadfastly reminding me to fuel my body the best way I can on that given day. There are no blanket right or wrong food choices, there are, however, right and wrong ways to fuel your body. I believe in leading a life of holistic health, which means tapping into my heart and fueling my body the way it needs every single day, which differs every single day. That is me actively listening to my heart.

Every time I pass a mirror my mind tells me to turn to the side and swipe my hand down my stomach to ensure it’s ‘flat,’ my body curls in and shys away in embarrassment and shame and my heart reminds me to step into my confidence and stand proud of the woman I am and all I will become. By taking on the day and leading with confidence in who I am and who I am made to be, I am actively listening to my heart.

Have I come a long way in my journey? Without a doubt, but my journey is far from over. And it’s okay if yours is too. There is so much pressure society puts on us and in turn we put on ourselves. I am here to say that even though in a perfect world there would be no “mind” or “bodyvoice, there is. And it’s okay if you have those voices too. What is most important, is listening to your heart voice, even when the other voices are so much louder and easier to listen to. Listen closely and openly to your heart, and live out that truth.

The summer is the most ‘triggering’ time for me for obvious reasons, which may be why I feel compelled to share this now. My grievances go far beyond bathing suits and shorts, however, and stretch to include BBQs and sweat stains. I never know what to eat to get the best fuel and am constantly self-conscious about sweat stains while everyone else looks effortlessly primped.

So with the weather warming and summer quickly falling upon us, I figured I would share some of TLAG’s greatest BBQ-ready recipes for us both to try out and some quick and easy workout for you to embrace your sweaty sparkle

If these recipes tickle your tastebuds and these workouts make you feel the burn, then be sure to check out our membership where you can find these and so many more...

Until next time,

Xo- Serena

Professional Resources:

*Contact the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline for support, resources, and treatment options for yourself or a loved one. Helpline volunteers are trained to help you find the information and support you are looking for. Reach out today!